i love: road trips, advancing His Kingdom & new ideas

On Friday we hit the road on an exciting adventure!

13 people...
1000 km...
7 days...

The mission: to love God, love his people, live life and advance HIS Kingdom

The place: Potchefstroom, SA

Mr Noth and I are here with a team of awesome students taking part in a World Outreach Week. We are partnering with His People with the aim to take the gospel out to young people so that they can find identity, freedom and purpose in the One who made them. I am full of expectation for all that God is going to do in the area and with the students!

In other news I am excited to present a new addition to love, print and cappuccino's called 'Anne Answers' written by my gorgeous friend Anne Huang. Anne is one of my closest friends here in SA and fellow Expat living and adventuring in JBay. Anne is part of the VGY Alumni and currently the resident designer over at Impact Photography and Design Studio and generally one of the cool kids in town!

While I am away Anne is going to be entertaining you with her quick wit, adorable charm and unique insight. I really hope you enjoy her!

I will definitely be around for Monday: Tea Time though, so don't miss it!

Thanks for stopping by, K x


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